Armando Esquer

Armando Esquer

Freelance pop culture enthusiast. General food junkie. Wannabe internet junkie. Devoted beer practitioner. Subtly charming internet geek. Professional travel guru.

56 Total Articles
Exploring the Lack of Understanding of Citation Protocols

Exploring the Lack of Understanding of Citation Protocols

The ability to correctly use citation protocols is an essential part of academic success. Yet, many students and even...

Understanding In-Text Citations in Chicago Style

Understanding In-Text Citations in Chicago Style

When writing a research paper or another type of scholarly work, in-text citations are an important part of the process....

Creating Clear Expectations and Consequences for Cheating

Creating Clear Expectations and Consequences for Cheating

Cheating is an age-old problem that can have a detrimental effect on student learning, school culture, and individual...

Classroom Monitoring: A Comprehensive Overview

Classroom Monitoring: A Comprehensive Overview

Classroom monitoring is an important part of any school's strategy to prevent cheating and ensure a safe and secure...

Documenting and Reporting Academic Misconduct

Documenting and Reporting Academic Misconduct

When it comes to academic misconduct, it is important that it is documented and reported to school authorities. Academic...

Understanding and using proper citation techniques

Understanding and using proper citation techniques

Citing sources properly is an essential part of academic and professional writing. It is a way to give credit to the...

Understanding Plagiarism and Unauthorized Collaboration

Understanding Plagiarism and Unauthorized Collaboration

Plagiarism and unauthorized collaboration are serious forms of academic misconduct that can have serious consequences....

Legal Repercussions of Academic Misconduct

Legal Repercussions of Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct is a serious issue that can have lasting legal repercussions. From costly fines to potential jail...

Exploring Honor Codes and Academic Integrity Statements

Exploring Honor Codes and Academic Integrity Statements

Cheating in schools has always been a problem, but with the rise of the internet, it has become even more of a challenge...

Maintaining Good Grades: Academic Honesty and its Benefits

Maintaining Good Grades: Academic Honesty and its Benefits

Maintaining good grades is an important goal for many students. It is essential for those wanting to pursue higher...

Mentoring and Counseling Programs for Cheating Prevention Strategies

Mentoring and Counseling Programs for Cheating Prevention Strategies

Cheating in schools has become an increasingly concerning problem that requires comprehensive prevention strategies....

Works Cited Page Formatting: An Overview

Works Cited Page Formatting: An Overview

Writing a properly formatted Works Cited page is an important part of any research paper or project. It is a...

Exploring the Benefits of Using Online Databases for Research

Exploring the Benefits of Using Online Databases for Research

In today's digital world, research and analysis are essential for success in many areas of study. With the...

Exploring Plagiarism Acceptance in Different Cultures

Exploring Plagiarism Acceptance in Different Cultures

Plagiarism is an issue that has been present in educational systems throughout the world for centuries. It is a form of...

Using Original Sources for Research

Using Original Sources for Research

For students, the use of original sources for research is essential to the success of their academic endeavors. Not only...

Exploring Plagiarism Prevention Strategies for Educators

Exploring Plagiarism Prevention Strategies for Educators

Plagiarism is an ever-growing issue in today's educational system, and preventing it is a major challenge for educators....

Using Plagiarism Detection Software and Tools

Using Plagiarism Detection Software and Tools

Plagiarism is an increasing problem in the world of education, and as such, educators need to take measures to protect...

Damage to Academic Record or Reputation: What to Know

Damage to Academic Record or Reputation: What to Know

Having a damaged academic record or reputation can be a difficult and stressful experience. With the rise of social...

In-Text Citations: Everything You Need to Know

In-Text Citations: Everything You Need to Know

In-text citations are an essential part of any academic paper. Not only do they provide evidence to support your claims,...

Cheating on Tests and Exams

Cheating on Tests and Exams

Cheating on tests and exams is a serious form of academic misconduct, and it can have serious consequences for students....

Unclear Expectations: Causes and Environmental Factors

Unclear Expectations: Causes and Environmental Factors

When students don't understand the expectations of their academic work, this can have serious consequences. Unclear...

Pursuing a Civil Lawsuit: A Comprehensive Overview

Pursuing a Civil Lawsuit: A Comprehensive Overview

The pursuit of a civil lawsuit is a complex and often intimidating process. With the right guidance and knowledge,...

Plagiarism Detection Software and Tools: A Comprehensive Overview

Plagiarism Detection Software and Tools: A Comprehensive Overview

Plagiarism is an ever-present issue that affects all organizations, from schools and universities to businesses and...

Exploring Academic Dishonesty as a Form of Rebellion

Exploring Academic Dishonesty as a Form of Rebellion

Most students are familiar with academic dishonesty in some form. Whether it’s copying someone else’s work,...

Understanding Academic Integrity: Causes, Challenges, and Solutions

Understanding Academic Integrity: Causes, Challenges, and Solutions

Academic integrity is an important part of any educational system. It is essential for the development of a strong...

Exploring Fabrication of Data or Information

Exploring Fabrication of Data or Information

In today's academic environment, the fabrication of data or information is an increasingly serious issue. It can have...

Plagiarism Detection Tools and Software: A Comprehensive Overview

Plagiarism Detection Tools and Software: A Comprehensive Overview

As students, it is important to maintain academic honesty and integrity. But in the digital age, plagiarism has become an ...

Developing an Anti-Cheating Campaign

Developing an Anti-Cheating Campaign

Cheating in academics can have serious long-term consequences. It undermines the integrity of the educational system and...

Cheating Prevention Programs: Everything You Need to Know

Cheating Prevention Programs: Everything You Need to Know

Cheating is a major problem in the academic world, resulting in unfair advantages for some and disadvantaging honest...

Formating Your Bibliography Page

Formating Your Bibliography Page

Having a properly formatted bibliography page is essential for any academic paper or research project. A bibliography...

Low Self-Esteem: Causes and Effects

Low Self-Esteem: Causes and Effects

Low self-esteem can be a debilitating condition, affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. It has wide-reaching...

Unfair Grading Systems: Causes and Effects

Unfair Grading Systems: Causes and Effects

Grades are meant to be a reflection of academic achievement, but unfortunately, this is not always the case. Unfair...

Enforcing Anti-Plagiarism Policies

Enforcing Anti-Plagiarism Policies

Plagiarism is an ongoing problem in educational and professional settings, and organizations must take steps to enforce...

Exploring Honor Codes and Academic Integrity Statements

Exploring Honor Codes and Academic Integrity Statements

Honor codes and academic integrity statements are essential components of a healthy educational environment. By setting...

Engaging Strategies for Anti-Cheating Campaigns and Programs

Engaging Strategies for Anti-Cheating Campaigns and Programs

Cheating is a serious issue in any educational setting. It undermines the integrity of the entire learning process,...

Creating an Honor Code

Creating an Honor Code

Creating an honor code is one of the most important steps a school or university can take to promote academic honesty. An ...

Building Trust with Professors and Peers

Building Trust with Professors and Peers

Building trust is an essential part of any successful learning experience. It is especially important when it comes to...

Support Groups for At-Risk Students: A Comprehensive Overview

Support Groups for At-Risk Students: A Comprehensive Overview

Every student deserves a chance to succeed in their education, but at-risk students face unique challenges that can make...

Confidential Reporting Systems: Student-Focused Strategies

Confidential Reporting Systems: Student-Focused Strategies

Cheating prevention strategies are an important part of keeping students on track for academic success. A key component...

In-Text Citations: A Comprehensive Guide

In-Text Citations: A Comprehensive Guide

Citing sources correctly in your text is an important part of academic writing and research. In-text citations help you...

Peer Pressure: Understanding the Causes and Effects of Academic Dishonesty

Peer Pressure: Understanding the Causes and Effects of Academic Dishonesty

The concept of peer pressure is often associated with negative behaviors and poor decision-making. However, it can also...

Gaining Respect from Others

Gaining Respect from Others

The concept of respect is one that is deeply valued in many cultures and societies. Whether it is respect for your...

Reference Page Formatting: A Comprehensive Overview

Reference Page Formatting: A Comprehensive Overview

Creating a reference page can be a challenging task. It requires a great deal of attention to detail and an understanding ...

Using Open-Book and Open-Note Tests for Plagiarism Prevention

Using Open-Book and Open-Note Tests for Plagiarism Prevention

In today's digital world, educators are often faced with the challenge of preventing plagiarism in their classrooms. One...

Creating an Academic Integrity Policy and Procedures

Creating an Academic Integrity Policy and Procedures

Creating and implementing an academic integrity policy and procedures is an essential part of any school or...

Open-Book and Open-Note Tests for Cheating Prevention Strategies in the Classroom

Open-Book and Open-Note Tests for Cheating Prevention Strategies in the Classroom

Cheating is a persistent problem in the classroom, and it can put students at a disadvantage and threaten academic...

Alternative Assessment Methods

Alternative Assessment Methods

In today's classrooms, it's becoming increasingly necessary for teachers to look for new and innovative ways to evaluate...

Encouraging Open Dialogue About Academic Integrity

Encouraging Open Dialogue About Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is a cornerstone of higher education, yet it is often overlooked or taken for granted. Open dialogue...

Understanding Suspension or Expulsion from School

Understanding Suspension or Expulsion from School

Suspension or expulsion from school is an unfortunate reality for many students. It is an extreme measure, taken when a...

Competitive Academic Environment: An Overview

Competitive Academic Environment: An Overview

Competition is a major factor when it comes to academic success. In a competitive academic environment, students are...

Filing a Police Report: What You Need to Know

Filing a Police Report: What You Need to Know

Filing a police report can be a daunting experience, but it's an important step if you've been the victim of a crime....