Causes of academic dishonesty

Peer Pressure: Understanding the Causes and Effects of Academic Dishonesty

Peer Pressure: Understanding the Causes and Effects of Academic Dishonesty

The concept of peer pressure is often associated with negative behaviors and poor decision-making. However, it can also...

Exploring the Lack of Understanding of Citation Protocols

Exploring the Lack of Understanding of Citation Protocols

The ability to correctly use citation protocols is an essential part of academic success. Yet, many students and even...

Unclear Expectations: Causes and Environmental Factors

Unclear Expectations: Causes and Environmental Factors

When students don't understand the expectations of their academic work, this can have serious consequences. Unclear...

Low Self-Esteem: Causes and Effects

Low Self-Esteem: Causes and Effects

Low self-esteem can be a debilitating condition, affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. It has wide-reaching...

Competitive Academic Environment: An Overview

Competitive Academic Environment: An Overview

Competition is a major factor when it comes to academic success. In a competitive academic environment, students are...

Unfair Grading Systems: Causes and Effects

Unfair Grading Systems: Causes and Effects

Grades are meant to be a reflection of academic achievement, but unfortunately, this is not always the case. Unfair...

Understanding Academic Integrity: Causes, Challenges, and Solutions

Understanding Academic Integrity: Causes, Challenges, and Solutions

Academic integrity is an important part of any educational system. It is essential for the development of a strong...

Exploring Academic Dishonesty as a Form of Rebellion

Exploring Academic Dishonesty as a Form of Rebellion

Most students are familiar with academic dishonesty in some form. Whether it’s copying someone else’s work,...

Exploring Plagiarism Acceptance in Different Cultures

Exploring Plagiarism Acceptance in Different Cultures

Plagiarism is an issue that has been present in educational systems throughout the world for centuries. It is a form of...